Previous events we have organised include Dyslexics in the Bookshop. This was an event to celebrate the abilities of dyslexic writers, encourage people with dyslexia, and to show non-dyslexics what those with dyslexia are capable of achieving with the written word.

It included readings by science fiction and fantasy writer Rod Duncan, author Paul Ross, and poet Anneliese Evens. There was a photobooth, board games, Barrington Stoke activities for children, tea and cake. Books by dyslexic authors were prominently displayed, including the anthology Everything is Spherical our collaboration with RASP (Rebelling Against Spelling Press).


The space was kindly offered by Waterstones Brentwood and attendees were able to purchase books throughout the event.

The Codpast interviewed some of the attendees, asking them what their dyslexic superpower would be. You can see this footage from the event in the Dyslexia a 21st Century Superpower YouTube footage below.

Dyslexia Community